'WYNNE KINDER, M. Ed. - Wynne’s teaching career spans 30 years in private and public schools, most recently including 15 years bringing mindfulness into regular, special (autistic & emotional support) and alternative education (including incarceration) settings. As owner of Kinder Associates LLC and trainer for Wellness Works in Schools™ (preK-12 classrooms & teacher training), she creates curriculum, programming, online trainings and teaching tools that address: mindful awareness, diverse learning needs, trauma in the classroom, healthy connection, social emotional skills, engagement & participation, and behavior guidance.
Her work is informed by training with: the Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Institute, the Trauma Center - Justice Resource Institute and UMass Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction.
Wynne is the author and content creator of:
Peace Work – mindful lessons for the early years, (Springhouse Publishing, June 2017)
Mindful Moods – a mindful, SEL curriculum for grades 3-5, (Wellness Works in Schools, August, 2017)
Mindful Choices - a mindful, SEL curriculum for grades 6-8, (Wellness Works in Schools, August, 2017)
Mindful Tools for Teens (Oxford Southern Press, Coming Winter 2020)
Handbook of Mindfulness-Based Programmes, Mindfulness Interventions from Education to Health and Therapy (Chapter on Evidenced based research by Dr. Cheryl Desmond, Routledge, 2020)
She has practiced mindfulness for more than 20 years and received training in Mindful Yoga, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Trauma Sensitive Approaches through the Justice Resource Institute (MA), Boys Town - Teaching Social Skills to Youth; CASEL, Mindfulness-based Mind Fitness Institute (VA), Yoga Ed teacher training, and Social Action Teacher Training - Lineage Project (NYC). Wynne holds a PA Teaching Certificate (K-6) and bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Alma College (MI). Wynne holds a master's degree from Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, VA.
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